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Depending on where this product was acquired, contact your service representative or the approved supplier.ld: 0706-002 Internal error at line %1$d (v=%2$d). Depending on where this product was acquired, contact your service representative or the approved supplier.ld: 0706-003 Cannot find or read import file: %sld: 0706-004 Cannot find or read export file: %sld: 0706-005 Cannot find or open file: %sld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l %sld: 0706-007 There is not enough memory available. Check your ulimit or paging space or use local problem reporting procedures.ld: 0706-008 A line is too long in file: -f %1$s The maximum line length is %2$d bytes.ld: 0706-009 The number %1$s is not valid for the -b %2$s option. Use a value that is a multiple of %3$d. ld: 0706-010 The binder was killed by a signal Check for binder messages or use local problem reporting procedures.ld: 0706-011 The -%c flag needs a parameter.ld: 0706-012 The -%c flag is not recognized.ld: 0706-013 The string %s is not valid. The parameter for the -b nop option must be cror15, cror31, ori, or an unsigned, 8-digit hexadecimal number, with or without a leading 0x or 0X.ld: 0706-014 The -b %s option is not recognized.ld: 0706-015 The -b %1$s option needs a parameter. Option syntax: -b %1$s:PARMld: 0706-016 The -b %s option does not take a parameter.ld: 0706-017 The -b %1$s option needs two parameters. Option syntax: -b %1$s:PARM1,PARM2ld: 0706-018 The -b %1$s option does not take two parameters. Option syntax: -b %1$s:PARMld: 0706-019 The number %1$s is too large for the -%2$c flag. Use a value that is %3$u (hex %3$X) or less.ld: 0706-020 The number %1$s is too large for the -b %2$s option. Use a value that is %3$u (hex %3$X) or less.ld: 0706-021 The %s() system call failed.ld: 0706-022 Cannot write the binder command string to file: %sld: 0706-023 Cannot write the binder commands to file: %sld: 0706-024 The wait() system call returned %d. Check for binder messages or use local problem reporting procedures.ld: 0706-025 Cannot call the binder program: %sld: 0706-026 The -b %s option is ignored.ld: 0706-027 The -%c%s%s flag is ignored.ld: 0706-028 Use a number with the -b %s option.ld: 0706-029 Use a number with the -%c flag.ld: 0706-030 No processing done. Specify at least one input or import file or use at least one -b ex option.ld: 0706-031 Syntax error in -b %1$s option. Option syntax: -b %2$s:%3$s[initf][:finif[:p]]ld: 0706-019 The number %1$s is too large for the -%2$.*4$c flag. Use a value that is %3$llu (hex %3$llX) or less.ld: 0706-020 The number %1$s is too large for the -b %2$.*4$s option. Use a value that is %3$llu (hex %3$llX) or less.ld: 0706-032 Linking mode is not specified. Set the OBJECT_MODE environment variable to 32 or 64 or use the -b32 or -b64 option.ld: 0706-033 Invalid value for environment variable OBJECT_MODE. Set the OBJECT_MODE environment variable to 32 or 64 or use the -b32 or -b64 option.ld: 0706-034 The number %1$s is not valid for the -b %2$s option. Use a valid modifier [kKmMgGtTpPxX].ld: 0706-035 Invalid -b %1$s argument %2$s (must be numeric).ld: 0706-036 WARNING: Value of %1$s set to 0.Usage: %s [-X{32|64|32_64}] [-R|-o ofile] [-ls] ifile [ ld-opts ... ] [ -F objs-libs ... ] %s: 0713-001 Missing parameter for option %s %s: 0713-002 Unknown option %s %s: 0713-003 Missing input file %s: 0713-004 Cannot open or find file: %s %s: 0713-005 Input file is not an executable or shared object: %s %s: 0713-006 Error processing input object: %s %s: 0713-007 Link command failed for archive member: %s %s: 0713-008 Link command failed for file: %s %s: 0713-009 Cannot write to file %s %s: 0713-010 Warning: Archive file %s No archive members are executables or shared objects. %s: 0713-011 Input file %s was not modified. %s: 0713-012 The specified object mode is not valid. Specify -X32, -X64, or -X32_64. %s: 0713-013 The OBJECT_MODE environment variable has an invalid setting. OBJECT_MODE must be 32, 64, or 32_64. %s: 0713-014 Input file is not valid in the current object file mode: %s rtld: 0712-001 Symbol %1$s was referenced from module %2$s(%3$s), but a runtime definition of the symbol was not found. rtld: 0712-002 fatal error: exiting. 1L/usr/ccs/bin/bind64/usr/lib/glink.o/usr/lib/key.impa.out:A:b:B:d:D:e:f:GH:ij:k:Kl:L:mMnNo:QrR:sS:T:u:vVxY:z:Z::A:b:B:dD:e:f:GH:ij:k:Kl:L:mMnNo:QrR:sS:T:u:vVxY:zZ:SRErwexec_mustnorwexec/usr/lib/glink64.o/usr/lib/glinkl64.o/usr/lib/glinkl.o3264CDEIMRSXasisaslrautoexpautoloadbigtlsbigtocbindcmdsbinderbindoptscallscapscdtorscomprldcrldcror15cror31datapsizedbgdebugoptdelcsectdynamicernotokerokerrmsgex1ex2ex3ex4ex5expallexpfullexportffilelistflforceimpforceimprwforkpolicygcgcbypassglinkhhaltiimportinitfiniinsertipathkeepfilellazylibpathlibsuffloadmaplpdatalptextmapmaxdatamaxstackmodtypennlnronsoobjreorderorderorder_fileoutputpDpTpluginplugin_optquietrrasrenamereorderrortlrtllibrwexecscallssharedshrsymtabsmapsostabcmpctstackpsizestaticstrcmpctsvr4sxrefsymbolictextpsizetextrotmplrenametypchkweaklocalxxrefbindentrympstripsymbolic-vnoquietnoloadmapld:fprintf()ld:putc()ld:fclose()/usr/ccs/bin/bindIBsetopt setopt pluginopt:IBi Ilib IBMrebind keep IBimports IBMautoload IBrename exports IBMinitfini IBld:wait()IBwaitIBM-1InoexpallIBMorinopdsa%s:%s/%sIBMld:vfprintf()IB setopt %s I%sI IB%s%s %s IBM%s%s IBld:pipe()IBpipeIBMld:dup()IBMdupld:execvp()ld:fork()IBforkIwld:fdopen()fdopenIld:fopen()Iloadmap:%sI %sld:open()IBLINK_CNTRLIld.catItextI noautoexpIBmemberI:IB%s: %s yIBpthreadsIBML_PTHREADS_D7IBpthreads_compatverbosedefsIBMnodefsImultidefsIBnowarntextIwarntextIBM/usr/lib:/libIBOBJECT_MODE32_64IBsmallIBlargeIBglink=%sIBMcorcowforkpolicy:%sIBld:accessx()IBMsetopt 64 Ihalt %d IBMsetopt bigtoc Isetopt lazy IBMnortlIBnortllibIBMnoexpfullIBnoforceimprwIBMnoweaklocalsetopt order_file:%s IBsetopt forkcor:1 IBsetopt forkcor:-1 Isymbolic:-1symbolic:0Isymbolic:1InotmplrenameIBMsetfflag %d IBMcdtors %c %s %s %s nop %x nop primary %x nop no 4def7b82 IBMnop no 4ffffb82 IBMnop no 60000000 IBMsetopt stabcmpct:%d IBMsetopt mapping:dataintext Isetopt fold IBMsetopt reorder:by_address Isavename %s IBMsetopt keepall plugin %s Ifilelist %d %d exec %s IBMsetopt noprogram IBnoentry IBMentry %s IBresolve IBMaddgl %s IBer full IBMmismatch IBcomprld IBMorigin 0x%llx -1 IBorigin 0x%llx 0x%llx IBorigin page 0x%llx 0x%llx Iorigin 0x%llx Iorigin page . 0x%llx IBorigin page 0x%llx origin . -1 IBMorigin . 0x%llx IBMpad %ld %ld %ld IBMmaxstack 0x%llx IBMmaxdata 0x%llx dsa maxdata 0x%llx pagesize %d %d 0x%llx 0x%llx 0x%llx IBMlibpath %s libpath I\%s:nop primary 4ffffb82 nop no 60000000 IBnop primary 4def7b82 nop no 4ffffb82 nop no 60000000 IB%s save %s . 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