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L| N tA L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N /T,/|M 00AHAA,,N@ A,N@ A$, %N@ A$,,//N@ ALN@ ALN@ AL%N@ AL$,,//KBN BN BN %BN @ strncpyA L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N ȐA L| N ̐A L| N pk=@!k9J}i8A,AP8B8} P8})P},P@} P8})P},PA})@})PyA}+4Uk|Xp!k}iA ,8M 8B耤0|P8})P},P@4} P8})P},P@,|P8})P},PA})(})PyAH})@})PyA}Cx8tT@>@N @ strcatؐA L| N ܐA L| N H @strcmpA L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N H @memset A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N  Np NT O@(#)23 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpthreads/init.c, libpth, bos610 6/21/07 15:28:59@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21 rrrr1G 10G1X 4X 8X 1X 4X 8X 2.5G5.0G12X %02x10G 12X 256 512 /dev/Down /dev/%02x.%02x 1G %02x:%02x:%02x %02x.%02x Down Down 2.5G 5.0G 1024 2048 4096 %02x.%02x /dev/ResetError/dev/Armed ActiveArmed Armed Sleep 10G XFIUnknownUnknownUnknownActive Active invalidPriAV: AltAV: 10G XAUIUnknown Unknown GID%d :Link Up /dev/icm/dev/icmiba%d =>Reserved/dev/icmiba%d =>/dev/icmiba%d =>/dev/icmiba%d =>/dev/icm/dev/icmname = %sname = %sname = %sDisabled App: %s App: %s App: %s App: %s ibstat.cat 10G XFI Unknown Unknown QpState: PdDvLn = %s continue Speed: 10G XAUI InitializedPort State: Initialized Width: Link Speed:Initialized Initialized Qkey 0x%08x PORT %d (%s) Ready_to_recvReady_to_sendPriGRHeader: AltGRHeader: odm_initializeodm_initializeodm_initializeLink State: UP Link MTU: %d Owner: USER Owner: ICM Owner: KERNEL MigState: %x PID(hex): %6xRcvPsn 0x%08x Owner: USER Owner: ICM Owner: KERNEL PID(hex): %6x Owner: USER Owner: ICM Owner: KERNEL PID(hex): %6x Owner: USER Owner: ICM Owner: KERNEL PID(hex): %6x GUID[%d]: SendPsn 0x%08x RdmaCtl 0x%08x QpState 0x%08x Error malloc odm_get_obj CuDvodm_get_obj CuAtodm_get_obj CuDvodm_get_obj PdCnodm_get_obj CuDvodm_get_obj CuAtodm_get_obj CuDvLink State: DOWN Link Speed: No State Change Stale QP: %d DETAIL QP INFO: RDDomain 0x%08x QpNumber 0x%08x Hcah(hex): %llx Cqh(hex): %4llxconnkey = 'ibhca' Link MTU: %d Link State: UP CQ errors: %d Hcah(hex): %llx Qpn(hex): %5llx Qph(hex): %4llx Usrh(hex): %4llxUnknown (code=%d) no CQ entry: %d Usrh(hex): %4llx PriPhyPort 0x%08x AltPhyPort 0x%08x Timeout 0x%08x PathMTU 0x%08x DestLid 0x%08x Timeout 0x%08x DestLid 0x%08x odm_open_class PdCnodm_open_class CuDvodm_open_class CuAtodm_open_class CuDvodm_open_class CuAtconnkey = 'rocehca'odm_open_class CuDvodm_open_class CuAt Link State: DOWN Hardware Address: Unknown (code= %d) Unknown (code= %d) Unknown (code= %d) Unknown (code= %d) Unknown (code= %d) path migrated: %d no QP entry: %d Send_queue_drainingRnrNakTimer 0x%08x HopLimit 0x%08x Reserve1 0x%08x HopLimit 0x%08x Reserve1 0x%08x BufInRecWQE 0x%08x QpSpControl 0x%08x QmxCqh(hex): %4llx CqDll(hex): %12llxIF IB Stats - (%s) Global ID Prefix: Link Error Recovery Partition Key List: QmxQph(hex): %4llx PriPkeyIndex 0x%08x AltPkeyIndex 0x%08x PathMigState 0x%08x DestQpNumber 0x%08x FlowLabel 0x%08x FlowLabel 0x%08x BufInSendWQE 0x%08x QpCtlSubMask 0x%08x CqAdah(hex): %12llx CqHcadh(hex): %4llxPhysical Port State: adapter/chrp/IBM,lhca P_Key[%d]: %04x adapter/chrp/IBM,lhcawrong QP user: %d wrong CQ user: %d /usr/sbin/ifconfig %s QpAdah(hex): %12llx RetryCount 0x%08x RetryCount 0x%08x TX : Errors: %-25lld EV : Events: %-26lld Number of Ports: %d EQ Event ISN: 0x%x Logical Port State: other QP errors: %d port avail EQE: %d port config EQE: %d wrong CQ count: %d /usr/sbin/arp -t ib -a QpHcadh(hex): %12llx SendGRHFlag 0x%08x SendGRHFlag 0x%08x CqEndAddr (hex): %llx RX : Errors: %-26lld DMA Size = 0x%08X %08X Total QPs in use: %d Total CQs in use: %d Total EQs in use: %d NEQ Event ISN: 0x%x GIDS (up to 3 GIDs): Physical Port State: Physical Port Speed: Physical Port Width: send queue drained: %d rejoin multicast: %d /usr/sbin/lsattr -El %s TXCqDll (hex): %12llx RXCqDll (hex): %12llx RXCqDll (hex): %12llx RdmaOutstanding 0x%08x ServiceLevel 0x%08x TrafficClass 0x%08x ServiceLevel 0x%08x TrafficClass 0x%08x RcvQEndAddr(hex): %llxEQ Event Bus ID: 0x%x Local ID (LID): %04x CQ destroy failed: %d RdmaRespResource 0x%08x MaxStaticRate 0x%08x RNRRetryCount 0x%08x MaxStaticRate 0x%08x RNRRetryCount 0x%08x SendQEndAddr(hex): %llx CqBeginAddr (hex): %llx Press enter to continue NEQ Event Bus ID: 0x%x Globally Unique ID List: IB NODE STATISTICS (%s) 1 CQE : %d 2 CQEs : %d 3 CQEs : %d 4 CQEs : %d 5 CQEs : %d 6-10 CQEs : %d 11-30 CQEs : %d 31-100 CQEs : %d 101-300 CQEs : %d >300 CQEs : %d connection completed: %d IB INTERFACE ARP TABLE Infiniband Debug Enabled SourcePathBits 0x%08x SourceGIDIndex 0x%08x SourcePathBits 0x%08x SourceGIDIndex 0x%08x RecQueCqHandle 0x%016LLx RcvQBeginAddr(hex): %llx IB NODE INFORMATION (%s) Hw Version info: 0x%04x Infiniband Debug Disabled MaxOutstandingSend 0x%08x MaxOutstandingRecv 0x%08x SendQueCqHandle 0x%016LLx SendQBeginAddr(hex): %llx IBSTAT: Argument too long TX : ARP Packets: %-21lld IB INTERFACE NDP ENTRIES RX : ARP Packets: %-21lld Globally Unique ID (GUID): Port Configuration Training INFINIBAND QP INFORMATION INFINIBAND CQ INFORMATION RX : Packet Copies: %-19lld RX : Buffers User: %-20lld CM : Find Path Loc: %-19lld Maximum Memory Regions: %d Maximum Memory Windows: %d IB PORT %d INFORMATION (%s) PHYP call returned busy: %d Number of entries found: %d DestGID %08x%08x %08x%08x DestGID %08x%08x %08x%08x Number of entries found: %d Number of WQEs Sent: %d Number of WQEs Received: %d abdinh?pwvrqcs:tQ:C:H:W:E:xyzZabdinh?pwvrqcs:tQ:C:H:W:E:xyzZMaximum Multicast Groups: %d Current Number of GUID's: %d new QP uses old QP entry: %d Physical Port Physical State: # of CQE handled per interrupt IB INTERFACE (%s) INFORMATION Error: ibstat malloc QP info Number of CQEs Polled: %d Local Mask Control (LMC): %04x IBSTAT: No device %s configured IBSTAT: Device %s not available IBSTAT: No device %s configured Total Memory Regions in use: %d pending bit recovery count : %d ETHERNET PORT %d INFORMATION (%s) ibstat: printstats: malloc error .....Outstanding TX CQEs %-16lld Maximum Number of Queue Pairs: %d Total MultiCast Groups in use: %d TX : Packets: %-25lld Bytes: %lld RX : Packets: %-25lld Bytes: %lld INFINIBAND DEVICE INFORMATION (%s) Maximum Scatter Gather per WQE: %d Maximum Transmission Unit Capacity: Total QPs in MCast Groups in use: %d Current Number of Partition Keys: %d CM : Multicast Query Retry: %-25lld Maximum Outstanding Work Requests: %d Error: ibstat: Can not get HCA Stats Error: ibstat: Can not get HCA Stats DisplayCqList: current cq counter %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d CM : Events: %-26lld Event Loc: %lld Check device state of "icm" and "%s". ERROR: HCA QUERY PORT: failed rc=0x%x ibstat: Error: QP number out of range ibstat: Error: CQ number out of range ibstat: Error: QP number out of range ibstat: Error: CQ number out of range EV : Port Up: %-25lld Port Down: %lld Maximum Number of Completion Queues: %d Number of Reliable Datagram Domains: %d ibstat: Display QP List: malloc error Error Querying QP list errno: 0x%lx %d Error Querying CQ list errno: 0x%lx %d attribute = 'ib_adapter' AND value = '%s'attribute = 'ib_adapter' AND value = '%s' .....No ARP: %-26lld Invalid ARP: %lld .....No Buffers: %-22lld IFQ Full: %lld Given up PHYP call after busy retries: %d AH : IPv6 Route del to other IF %-16lld ERROR: "%s%": open failed rc=%d, errno=%d ibstat: Failed to open a socket, errno = %d QP error due to QP modify in error stat: %d RX : Events: %-26lld Postrecv Errors: %lld HCA QUERY ISN INFO: failed rc=0x%x, errno=%d ******************************************** EV : Port Change: %-21lld Port Errors: %lld HCA QUERY NODE STAT: failed rc=0x%x, errno=%d HCA QUERY STAT INFO: failed rc=0x%x, errno=%d /usr/sbin/ndp -a | /usr/bin/grep -i infiniband******************************************** HCA QUERY NODE STAT: failed rc=0x%x, errno=%d EV : QP Errors: %-23lld Port Available: %lld ibstats: SIOCIF_IB_GET_STATS failed, errno = %d AH : AH inuse: %-24lld AH to be removed: %lld .....Incomplete ARP: %-18lld ARP Timeout: %lld .....CQ Errors: %-23lld Invalid DD State: %lld .....Invalid Packets: %-17lld No Filters: %lld EV : Invalid DD Stats: %-16lld CQ Errors: %lld CM : Invalid DD State: %-16lld Find Path: %lld INFINIBAND CQ DLL INFORMATION FOR CQ HANDLE %lx ibstats: SIOCIF_IB_RESET_STATS failed, errno = %d RX : Buffers Posted: %-18lld Buffers Free: %lld INFINIBAND QP DLL INFORMATION FOR QP HANDLE %lx TX : Buffers Posted: %-18lld Buffers Free: %lld .....Invalid Packet: %-18lld Postsend Error: %lld EV : Event Loc: %-23lld Adapter Malfunction: %lld ibstat: Error Displaying the CQ list: malloc error .....Invalid QP State: %-16lld Invalid Route: %lld CM : Multicast Join: %-18lld Multicast Error: %lld .....TX : CQ Errors: %-18lld Invalid DD State: %lld CM : Find Path Error: %-17lld Find Path Retry: %lld CM : Multicast Leave: %-17lld Multicast Query: %lld Error: ibstat: The -Q option can be run only as root Error: ibstat: The -C option can be run only as root Error: ibstat: The -Q option can be run only as root Error: ibstat: The -C option can be run only as root .....No SPKT CNTL Blocks: %-13lld SPKT Timeout: %lld AH : IPv6 Paths in use:%-16lld IPv6 Path to del %lld EV : Multicast Rejoin: %-16lld Multicast Error: %lld .....Unexpected WKID: %-18lld CQE WKIDs not found: %lld .....No Buffers: %-23lld Polled Buffer NULL Error: %lld TX : Multicast Packets: %-15lld Broadcast Packets: %lld CM : Multicast Retry: %-17lld Multicast Error Loc: %lld .....No Multicast AH: %-17lld Invalid Multicast AH: %lld INFINIBAND QP COUNT INFORMATION FOR QP HANDLE %lx on iba%d INFINIBAND CQ COUNT INFORMATION FOR CQ HANDLE %lx on iba%d CM : Multicast Query Error: %-11lld Multicast Query Loc: %lld AH : IPv6 Path Req Delete: %-12lld IPv6 Route delete discarded %lld Error: QP associated with QP handle (QMX) 0x%lx not found: rc = 0x%lx Error: CQ associated with CQ handle (QMX) 0x%lx not found: rc = 0x%lx Error: QP associated with QP handle (QMX) 0x%lx not found: rc = 0x%lx Error: CQ associated with CQ handle (QMX) 0x%lx not found: rc = 0x%lx /usr/bin/ps -p %d | /usr/bin/grep -v PID | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $4 }' /usr/bin/ps -p %d | /usr/bin/grep -v PID | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $4 }' /usr/bin/ps -p %d | /usr/bin/grep -v PID | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $4 }' Error Querying QP information for QP handle (QMX) 0x%lx errno: 0x%lx /usr/bin/ps -p %d | /usr/bin/grep -v PID | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $4 }' Error Querying CQ information for CQ handle (QMX) 0x%lx errno: 0x%lx Error Querying QP information for QP handle (QMX) 0x%lx errno: 0x%lx Error Querying CQ information for CQ handle (QMX) 0x%lx errno: 0x%lx =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)31 src/bos/usr/sbin/ibstat/ibstat.c, sysxicm, bos720 5/30/13 05:45:26********** for debug purpose only ********* -q QP: Displays list of QPs handled by IB -c CQ: Displays list of CQs handled by IB -Q < hex QMX QP handle> : Displays QP specific information -C < hex QMX CQ handle> : Displays CQ specific information -r Reset: Resets an IB interfaces statistics -t extra QP detail in addition to display w/ -q option -x Statistics: Displays node statistics -y Reset: Resets Node statistics -W : Displays QP Counters -E : Displays CQ Poll Counters -zZ Display debug flags info usage: ibstat [-abdinpvs] Where: -a ARP: Displays the IB ARP Table. -b NDP: Displays the IB NDP Entries. -d Debug: Displays current debug setting. -i Interface: Displays Network Interface Information. -n Node: Displays only IB node information. -p Port: Displays only IB port information. -v Verbose: Displays all IB device information. -s Statistics: Displays an IB interfaces statistics -h Displays this help message -? Displays this help message Note: If device name is not provided, all infiniband devices are queried for control or information.                 X                      (8D`  Nl Nl Nl N` d H Ol` ND NH=  @___bzero@)@___fill@5@errno@close@ socket@ A@_iob@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ strtoul@ fprintf@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ atoi@ sprintf@ catclose@ printf@ fflush@ __filbuf@ fgets@ Y@ i@ ioctl@ u@ pclose@ getopt@ openx@ @ @ __crt0v@optarg@@@@ @@ @ @  @ .@ odmerrno@@@M@Z@g@t@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ __start NL! d h p MD MH ML MP MT MX M\ M` Md Mh Ml Mp Mt Mx M| M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M N N N N  N N N N N  N$ N( N, N0 NL NP NT NX N` Nd Nt N' N& N N, N+ N* N N) N  N N  N  N  N N% N N  N N N N  N N N N# N( N/ O4 O. O5 O 6 O O O0 O1 O - O$ O( O,2 O03 O4 O8 O< O@ OD< OH= OL OP> OT; OX O\ O`$ Od! Oh Ol" Op Ot8 Ox9 O|: O7 O/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o/usr/liblibpthreads.ashr_xpg5.olibodm.ashr.olibcfg.ashr.o/usr/libIbBaseLib.ashr.o@VPDibstat/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___strcpy_system_configurationsecure_system setlocale secure_popen__stack_chk_fail __mod_init__ssp_canary_word__malloc_user_defined_name __pth_init __pthreadodm_terminateodm_open_classodm_initialize odm_get_objodm_close_class PdDv_CLASS PdCn_CLASS CuDv_CLASS CuAt_CLASS IbHcaClose IbHcaOpen IbHcaQuery IbDmaQueryIbHcaQueryInfoIbGetDeviceListIbGetDeviceNameIbGetDeviceId