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Invalid HFI number. Invalid HFI number. h_hfi_start_interfaceh_hfi_query_interfaceh_control_ca_functionh_collect_ca_int_infoInvalid type option. ==================== h_nmmu_modify_resourceh_download_ca_functionh_download_ca_facilityWrong interval value. --------------------- System Configuration: h_send_sub_crq_indirectWrong iteration value. Invalid window number. Invalid window number. Invalid window number. %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Yh_nmmu_allocate_resourceh_register_process_tableInvalid display option. %s: add_hfistats ->Out: h_free_logical_lan_buffer%s: add_windowstats ->Out: -------------------------- -------------------------- -O option value is missing. %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu Performance Counters (HFI) Performance Counters (ISR) Invalid number of arguments. Host Fabric Interface: %llu %s: hfistat ->HFI Statistics: ------------------------------ Cannot open file %s for output. version: %llu pkts_sent: %llu pkts_dropped_sending: %llu pkt_indicated_send_count: %llu immediate_send_pkt_count: %llu pkts_received: %llu pkts_dropped_receiving: %llu pkt_indicated_rcv_count: %llu Window Registers (Performance) Command Invoked :Date/Time of invocation :Cannot open file %s for verbose. %s: add_hfistats ->In(%p, %d, %d) HFI statistics collection failed. HFI statistics collection failed. cycles_blocked_sending: %llu flits_sent: %llu flits_dropped: %llu link_retries: %llu pkts_sent: %llu pkts_dropped_sending: %llu pkts_received: %llu pkts_dropped_receiving: %llu immediate_send_pkt_count: %llu send_recv_pkt_count: %llu fullRDMA_sent_count: %llu halfRDMA_sent_count: %llu smallRDMA_sent_count: %llu ip_pkt_sent_count: %llu cau_pkt_sent_count: %llu gups_pkt_sent_count: %llu addr_xlat_wait_count: %llu mmu_cache_hits: %llu mmu_cache_misses: %llu mmu_atlb_hits: %llu mmu_atlb_misses: %llu cycles_waiting_on_a_credit: %llu Partition Name : %s Invalid -O option syntax (= is missing). Window number cannot be greater than %d. Window number cannot be greater than %d. %s: add_windowstats ->In(%p, %d, %d, %d) HFI window statistics collection failed. HFI window statistics collection failed. Insufficient memory to allocate HFI list. Insufficient memory to allocate HFI list. Multiple output options cannot be provided. |-------------------ISR-------------------| |------------------NMMU-------------------| cycBlocked flits flits link ---dyn_prot_cache--- --------ATLB-------- sending sent dropped retries hits misses hits misses |--------- ---------- ---------- ---------| |--------- ---------- ---------- ---------|Multiple display options cannot be provided. Multiple display options cannot be provided. Multiple verbose options cannot be provided. Insufficient memory to allocate window list. Insufficient memory to allocate window list. Insufficient memory to allocate HFI statistics. Insufficient memory to allocate HFI statistics. packets sent 0x%016llx [%20llu] packets dropped sending. . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] packets received 0x%016llx [%20llu] packets dropped receiving. . 0x%016llx [%20llu] Immediate send pkt count 0x%016llx [%20llu] send recv pkt count. . . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] fullRDMA sent count 0x%016llx [%20llu] halfRDMA sent count. . . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] smallRDMA sent count 0x%016llx [%20llu] ip pkt sent count. . . . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] cau pkt sent count 0x%016llx [%20llu] gups pkt sent count. . . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] addr xlat wait count 0x%016llx [%20llu] cycles blocked sending . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] flits sent 0x%016llx [%20llu] flits dropped. . . . . . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] link retries 0x%016llx [%20llu] dyn prot cache hits. . . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] dyn prot cache misses 0x%016llx [%20llu] ATLB hits. . . . . . . . . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] ATLB misses 0x%016llx [%20llu] cycles waiting on credit . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] packets sent 0x%016llx [%20llu] packets dropped sending. . . 0x%016llx [%20llu] packet indicated send count 0x%016llx [%20llu] Immediate send pkt count 0x%016llx [%20llu] packets received 0x%016llx [%20llu] packets dropped receiving. . 0x%016llx [%20llu] packet indicated recv count 0x%016llx [%20llu] Insufficient memory to allocate window statistics. Insufficient memory to allocate window statistics. Insufficient memory to allocate window statistics. %s: add_hfistats ->perfstat_hfistat() failed with rc=%d HFI statistics collection is not available in the system. Insufficient memory to allocate Perfstat API HFI statistics. Insufficient memory to allocate Perfstat API HFI statistics. %3llu %4llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %10llu %11llu Insufficient memory to reallocate Perfstat API HFI statistics. Failed to determine the number of HFIs available in the system. %s: add_windowstats ->perfstat_hfistat_window() failed with rc=%d Insufficient memory to allocate Perfstat API HFI window statistics. Insufficient memory to reallocate Perfstat API HFI window statistics. ====================================================================== Only %d HFIs are available in the system. Specify a HFI number between 0-%d. Only %d HFIs are available in the system. Specify a HFI number between 0-%d. %3llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu %9llu HFI statistics are not available in the system for the default/specified HFIs. =============================================================================== <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Failed to determine the maximum number of windows available per HFI in the system. HFI Win send receive sent received sending receiving send_pkts |-| |--| |-packet_indicated--| |------packets------| |--packet_dropped---| |immediate| |-| |--| |--------- ---------| |--------- ---------| |--------- ---------| |---------| HFI window statistics are not available in the system for the default/specified windows. @(#)06 1.1 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/tools/hfistat/hfistat.c, cmdperfstat, perf720 7/18/11 10:44:59Mismatch found between current and previous Perfstat API HFI statistics. Try running the tool again. Mismatch found between current and previous Perfstat API HFI statistics. Try running the tool again. Mismatch found between current and previous Perfstat API HFI statistics. Try running the tool again. Mismatch found between current and previous Perfstat API HFI window statistics. Try running the tool again. Mismatch found between current and previous Perfstat API HFI window statistics. Try running the tool again. HFI sent imm_send receive fullRDMA halfRDMA smallRDMA ip cau gups sending receiving wait |-| |-------- --------- --------| |-------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------| |-------- --------| |-------| |-| |----------packets----------| |----------------------sent_packets-----------------------| |-dropped_packets-| |-xlat--| =========================================================================================================================== %s: add_hfistats ->perfstat_hfistat() returned only %d HFIs when compared to the desired number of %d. Calling again with the new desired number. %s: add_windowstats ->perfstat_hfistat_window() returned only %d windows when compared to the desired number of %d. Calling again with the new desired number. Usage: hfistat [-O Options] [Interval [NumIntervals]] -O option1=value1,option2=value2,option3=value3 ... Following are the supported options: type=[window nonwindow hfi isr nmmu cau all] display=[raw | delta] output= hfi=[0 1 ... ] window=[0 1 2 ... ]  /<Ŕ /< ź H /ř 0 /$"+DTŠ˜Ü@___bzeroŕ@errno@uname@ _iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ fopen@ strtoul@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ sprintf@ time@ sleep@ strdup@ strtok@ *@ 6@ getopt@ strftime@ strtol@ B@ __crt0v@optind@optarg@O@l@ ~@ ˜@ __start /(! ź Ŕ Č /( /, /0 /4 /d /h /l /p  /t /x /| /€ /„ /ˆ /Œ! / /” /˜ /œ /  /¤  /¨ /Ź# /°" /´ /¸ /ź /Ŕ /Ä /Č  /Ě  /Đ  /Ô /Ř  /Ü /ŕ /ä /č /ě /đ/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibperfstat.ashr.o@VPDhfistat/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp localtime setlocale __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_nameperfstat_configperfstat_hfistat_windowperfstat_hfistat