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ULPs: %sPort FC ID: 0x%06XPort FC ID: 0x%06XLIP Count: %-16lldNOS Count: %-16lldError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMLink Down to deviceError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMError accessing ODMLink Down to deviceDevice Type: %s (%s)Class of Service: %dAttention Type: %s Supported ULPs: %sname = %s AND status=1Option ROM Version: %sOption ROM Version: %sError Frames: %-16lldDumped Frames: %-16lldLoss of Signal: %-16lld Input Bytes: %-16lld Output Bytes: %-16lld Input Bytes: %-16lld Output Bytes: %-16lldWorld Wide Port Name: 0xWorld Wide Port Name: %sWorld Wide Port Name: %sWorld Wide Port Name: 0xWorld Wide Node Name: %sWorld Wide Node Name: %sWorld Wide Node Name: 0xError opening device: %sError opening device: %sError opening device: %sCurrent N_Port State: %sLink Down Unusable: %dError opening device: %sError opening device: %sError opening device: %sError opening device: %sError opening device: %sVPD information not foundFC SCSI Traffic StatisticsFC NVME Traffic StatisticsWorld Wide Node Name: 0x%sWorld Wide Port Name: 0x%sInvalid CRC Count: %-16lldLink Down N_Port State: %s I/O DMA pool size: %#xError resetting statisticsFC-4 TYPES (ULP mappings): Link Failure Count: %-16lldLoss of Sync Count: %-16lldCurrent Link Unusable: %d Input Requests: %-16lld Output Requests: %-16lld Control Requests: %-16lld Input Requests: %-16lld Output Requests: %-16lld Control Requests: %-16lldname LIKE %s AND parent = %sname LIKE %s AND parent = %s/proc/sys/adapter/fc/%s/linkAL_PA Address Granted: %#xname LIKE %s AND parent = %s/proc/sys/adapter/fc/%s/linkRequested attribute not foundRequested attribute not foundRequested attribute not foundRequested attribute not foundRequested attribute not foundError reading IOC informationPort Speed (running): UNKNOWNPort Speed (running): UNKNOWNCurrent Link Speed: %d GBITRequested attribute not found/proc/sys/adapter/fc/%s/statusInvalid Tx Word Count: %-16lld/proc/sys/adapter/fc/%s/statusPort Speed (supported): %d GBITPort Speed (supported): UNKNOWNPort Speed (supported): UNKNOWNPort Speed (running): %d GBITLink Down Link Speed: %d GBIT Long term DMA pool size: %#x No DMA Resource Count: %-16lldFIBRE CHANNEL STATISTICS REPORT: Invalid initiator world wide nameError displaying mapped FC4 TypesError displaying mapped FC4 TypesSeconds Since Last Reset: %-16lldCurrent N_Port Receiver State: %sLink Down Transmitter Fault: %d Number of interrupts: %-16lldFC SCSI Adapter Driver InformationFC NVME Adapter Driver InformationInvalid initiator world wide name No DMA Resource Count: %-16lldLoop Source Physical Address: %#xLink Down N_Port Receiver State: %sError maping statistics information FC SCSI Adapter Driver InformationError reading statistics informationCurrent N_Port Transmitter State: %sCurrent Link Transmitter Fault: %dElastic buffer overrun count: %lldError reading statistics informationError reading statistics information No Adapter Elements Count: %-16lld No Command Resource Count: %-16lldError reading statistics information No Adapter Elements Count: %-16lldError reading statistics informationError reading statistics informationError reading statistics informationLink Down N_Port Transmitter State: %s Number of active commands: %-16d Number of active commands: %-16d No Adapter Elements Count: %-16lld No Command Resource Count: %-16lld Transmit Statistics Receive Statistics ------------------- ------------------FC SCSI Adapter Driver Queue Statistics Number of pending commands: %-16d Number of pending commands: %-16dFC SCSI Protocol Driver Queue Statistics FC SCSI Adapter Driver Queue StatisticsAdapter Effective max transfer value: %#x FC SCSI Protocol Driver Queue StatisticsRequested attribute count error. Count: %xRequested attribute count error. Count: %xRequested attribute count error. Count: %xRequested attribute count error. Count: %xRequested attribute count error. Count: %x Number of spurious interrupts: %-16lldRequested attribute count error. Count: %xPrimitive Seq Protocol Error Count: %-16lldAdapter Effective max transfer value: %#xPermission denied: requires priviledged useruniquetype='%s' AND attribute='num_nvme_queues' High water mark of active commands: %-16d High water mark of pending commands: %-16d High water mark of active commands: %-16d High water mark of pending commands: %-16dusage: fcstat [-z [-c | -d] | -c | -d | -e [-c | -d] ] Device_name usage: fcstat [-z [-c | -d] | -c | -d | -e [-c | -d] ] Device_name usage: fcstat [-z [-c | -d] | -c | -d | -e [-c | -d] ] Device_name usage: fcstat [-z [-c | -d] | -c | -d | -e [-c | -d] ] Device_name usage: fcstat [-z [-c | -d] | -c | -d | -e [-c | -d] ] Device_name usage: fcstat [-z [-c | -d] | -c | -d | -e [-c | -d] ] Device_name usage: fcstat [-z [-c | -d] | -c | -d | -e [-c | -d] ] Device_name Number of commands in the Adapter Driver Held off queue: %-16d High water mark of number of commands in the Adapter Driver Held off queue: %-16d@(#)03 src/bos/usr/sbin/fcstat/fcstat.c, fcstat, bos72X, x2021_50A9 11/25/21 01:32:43Link UpLink DownL_Port InitializingError at L_Port ReceiverReset LIP to another portReset LIP to this portKReservedPoint to Point or FabricArbitrated loopActive ACLink recovery LR1: LR TransmitLink recovery LR2: LR ReceiveLink recovery LR3: LRR ReceiveLink failure LF1: NOS ReceiveLink failure LF2: NOS TransmitLink failure LF3: Wait for LIPKReserved Offline OL3: Wait for OLS state Offline OL2: OLS receive state Offline OL1D: OLS transmit state D Offline OL1C: OLS transmit state C Offline OL1B: OLS transmit state B Offline OL1A: Inactive Not EnabledOpen FibreWorkingFailure ResetLoss Of SynchronizationSynchronization AcquiredReservedLReserved (Basic Link Services)MReserved (Extended Link Services)KReservedNISO/IEC 8802-2 LLC (in order)OInternet Protocol (IP) over Fibre Channel (IETF RFC2625)KReservedPSmall Computer System Interface (SCSI) Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP)QSmall Computer System Interface (SCSI) 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