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cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:03:59 ?W??W? ?W?, , HEXHEXDECDECHEXHEXDECDECHEXHEXDECDECHEXHEXDECDECHEXHEXDECDECHEXHEXDECDECTRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUELDECLDECLDECLDECLDECLDECLDECLDECLDECLDECLDECLDECFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHA%04x ALPHAALPHAALPHAALPHA"%s" + %s: %s = %s%04x %s = %s = %s%04x%s%04x %s = %s = %s%04x ERRID_%serrtmp1/00000001- %08x: %s = %s %s = %s /* %-.40s */{%d, %04x, "%s"} %s{%d, %04x, "%s"} %s = %s, %04X, %s %s = %d, %04X, %s #define %-20s 0x%08x %s = %s, %04X, %s %s = %d, %04X, %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s, {%d, %04X, "%s"}, %s %s = %d, {%d, %04X, "%s"}, %s = %08x: %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s Supply a label after the '+' symbol on an add. The Label %s is already defined in template file. The Label %s is already defined in the input file. The Error Identifier %08x is not defined in the template file. The Error Identifier %08x is already defined in the template file for label %s. The Error Identifier %08x for the template %s is already defined in the template file. @(#)65 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errupdate/pass1.c, cmderrlg, bos72D, d2016_10A1 2/24/16 03:16:35errtmp1/errtmp1/0000000100000001errtmp1/probcausesusercausesuseractioninstcausesinstactionfailcausesfailactionError allocating memory Too many entries for member %sSpecify a Class in the template for %s. Specify an Err_Type in the template for %s. Specify an Err_Desc in the template for %s. Specify Prob_Causes in the template for %s. Specify a catalog name in the template for %s. Specify both the cause and the action in the template for %s. Specify at least one cause and action in the template for %s. The template for %s has %d Detail Data Fields. Only %d are permitted. The length, %d, of a Detail Data field in the template for %s is too long. The maximum length allowed is %d. @(#)64 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errupdate/etcpy.c, cmderrlg, bos72D, d2016_10A1 2/24/16 03:15:55H,` ` l HSOUWw%x%s%x%xHEXDECPERMTEMPPERFPENDUNKNINFOTRUELDECFALSEALPHAdetaildetaildetail%-.32sDECIMALLDECIMALS O H U TRUE FALSE ALPHA DEC LDEC HEX Error allocating memory Error allocating memory Error allocating memory W or a decimal number. W or a decimal number. PERM TEMP PERF PEND UNKN INFO Bad character in the template . Bad character in the template . Message identifier 0x%04X is out of range (0000 - FFFF). Global catname should not be defined in template stanza. Bad value '%s' in the template for %s. Acceptable values are: Bad value '%s' in the template for %s. Acceptable values are: Bad value '%s' in the template for %s. Acceptable values are: @(#)33 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errupdate/parseutil.c, cmderrlg, bos72D, d2016_10A1 2/24/16 03:16:22֐֐֐00000000Input line length exceeded buffer limit : %d @(#)11 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/nls.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/30/13 13:31:47DECINLIEOF'%c'IPLUSIEQUALIMINUSINUMBERISTRING---%d---A catalog name may only be %d bytes. The maximum default text length is 1024 bytes. Bad character '%c' in '%s' in the template for %s. @(#)11 1.19 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errupdate/lex.c, cmderrlg, bos720 12/9/98 11:17:09 7xH 7A 7|D 7D 7L 7L 7P 7T 7X 7\ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ;n C&vkkMGP&"/+Ka5 d1͆< 8OLp#2m4pwxƗi %;/V>~]Kũ&y @(#)78 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errupdate/crc.c, cmderrlg, bos720 9/17/99 17:28:31OINFOUNKNOWNUser CausesFail CausesUser ActionsFail ActionsInstall CausesProbable CausesInstall ActionsError DescriptionDetail Description@(#)69 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errupdate/alertable.c, cmderrlg, bos430, 9737A_430 11/11/94 19:58:05For alertable template, "%s", "%s" must be in the range: %4.4x to %4.4x or equal to 8001. The supplied message text identifier %4.4x is NOT in range. For alertable template, "%s", "%s" must be in the range: %4.4x to %4.4x or %4.4x to %4.4x The supplied message text identifier %4.4x is NOT in range. The template for %s has the Class field set to O and the Alert field set to TRUE. Error Class OPERATOR is not permitted in an Alert. Possible solutions are: 1. Change the Class field to one that is permitted in an Alert (H, S, or U). 2. Change the Alert field to FALSE. The template for %s has the Err_Type field set to INFO and the Alert field set to TRUE. Error Type INFO is not permitted in an Alert. Possible solutions are: 1. Change the Err_Type field to one that is permitted in an Alert (UNKN, TEMP, PERM, PEND or PERF). 2. Change the Alert field to FALSE. The template for %s was not added because the Alert field is set to TRUE and the template contains the message id %s which is not permitted in an Alert. Possible solutions are: 1. Change the message id to one that is permitted in Alerts. 2. Change the Alert field to FALSE. 3. Run the errupdate command with the -p option to override this restriction. If you do this, you must also customize NetView to recognize this message id when it receives this Alert.  $,syntax erroryacc stack overflowSupply a label after the '+' symbol on an add. The format for this line should be KEYWORD = VALUE. Supply an error id after the '-' symbol on a delete. Supply an error id after the '=' symbol on an update. There is a colon missing after a label or an error id. The keyword %s is not a valid error record template keyword. You may only change the Log, Report, or Alert fields of an error record template on an update. At least one number in the list for this KEYWORD is either out of range or is not a valid hexadecimal number. At least one number in the list for this KEYWORD is either out of range or is not a valid hexadecimal number. The format for the Detail Data field is incorrect. It should be in the form Detail_Data = LENGTH, ID, ENCODING.  ,Ll@L0LX   H`4 0Lgi5gigigi}gi{gigi wgigigigi*)(gigigi4vutsrqpfgigicgigibgiagigi`gigi_gigigi  gi gigiPgigiOMLgiKIHGgigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigigi gigiDtthnvOGuedm*ca`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQ'$!)(%">PH kl&# qjigfb~rNopwxyz{|MLKJIFE ss}+?=<,-./0123456789:;=<,-./0123456789:;C @ABgi   #      : :: :: ::    = ================== ===    {   , , , , ,,  } 67  GGG88888888C32GGG H9<4!"#$%&'8()*+,-.8F/01=>5DE:           A@(#)66 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errupdate/pass2.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/24/00 16:36:56 [ [p@ [C [z [ ] ` ] ] ] ]  ] x ] ] ] ] ] ] ] @ ^@ @ ^D ^H  ^P  ^X `l `p bT ` Z ( bX bx b| Z b b b b b Z b b c c c c c c * f @ @ . @ A` 3 CL 7P CP CX ; Ct ; Cx C G G G G < = =0 =h G = >X E G G I I J J J L` Ld J` Lh M R8 T W W X Ll ZEO/L{ @___bzero@,@8@E@errno@close@ Q@ lseek@ shmat@ shmctl@ shmdt@ shmget@ ]@ unlink@ _iob@k@__setjmp@y@@malloc@ calloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ strtoul@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ atoi@ toupper@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ catclose@ snprintf@ fputs@ printf@ __assert@ __flsbuf@ fstat@ wctomb@ __filbuf@ read@ strncmp@ mbtowc@ sscanf@ signal@ perror@ fseek@ fgetc@ system@ @ qsort@ getopt@ basename@ tmpfile@ wcwidth@ fgetwc@ hsearch@ hcreate@ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@@__start Z!     * , ,$ ,@ ,\ ,x , , , , - -  -< -X -t - - 7 7 7 7 7  7$ 7( 7, 70 74 78 7< 7@ 7D 7H 7L : : : : : : : : : : : : ; ; ; < < < < < < = = = =  =0 =8 =@ =H =P =X =h =p D D D D D D D D D H( H, H0 H4 H8 H< H@ HD HH HL HP HT HX H\ H` Hd Hh Hl Hp Ht Hx H| H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H I I I I  I I I I I  I$ I( I, I0 I4 I8 I< I@ ID IH IL IP IT IX I\ I` Id Ih Il Ip It Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z [(C [,B [0 [4F [8 [< [@ [D [H [L [P [T [X [\5 [`< [d [h [l [p [t% [x [| [ [ [ [ [( [ [) [* [ [ [ [ [ [+ [! 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