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The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. @(#)14 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/tmplt.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:32:29Cannot update the error template database %s. A write to the error template database failed. %s Possible Causes: 1. The filesystem containing the error template database is full. Run the errupdate command with the '.undo' file(s) to clean up the error template database. Increase the filesystem, and then rerun the errupdate command to add the templates. ?NOYES %s: %s: line%s: LineWarning%s: %s: %s: %s: libc.catsyntax errorInternal Error%s: "%s", %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: syntax error - cannot backup@(#)87 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/er.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:44:10@(#)99 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/streq.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:03:42-cat.cicatopen(%s) Ndesc < NDESCopen of %s failed icatopen: slot=%d catd=%x Unable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. @(#)83 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/cat.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:38malloc on stracpy@(#)98 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/stracpy.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:48@(#)03 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/range.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/29/94 19:54:41malloc@(#)89 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/jalloc.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:44%dsh-cvpdvpdvpdvpd (  < pCuDvnameTRUENONENONENONETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUETRUENONECuVPD%s/%s%s/%sFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEFALSEPdDvLnPdDvLnen_pid0x%08xet_type%s = %d%s = %s%s = %s/bin/shname=%slocationel_labelel_crcidet_classet_rtypeerrnotifyconnwhereet_rclassconcurrentet_alertflget_resource/etc/objreposodm_initialize%s: odm_add_objget_CuVPD_list(%s)odm_get_obj(CuDv,%s)en_persistenceflg = 0odm_get_obj(CuVPD,%s)odm_get_obj(errnotify)/usr/lib/ras/chkrpt -%d %dname = %s and vpd_type = %d@(#)12 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/notify.c, cmderrlg, bos72F, f2016_34A7 8/18/16 23:47:20c8dLdddxddddd%s No error from odmerrno. Unknown odm error code: %d No valid arguments to odmperror. @(#)95 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/odmperror.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:47    4 HSOU0no, , ALLPERMTEMPPERFPENDUNKNINFOTRUE, , FALSEfalseGlobalel_typelogableel_crcidel_crcidel_classel_rtypeet_labelet_labelel_rclassel_nodeidel_wparidalertablereportableel_resourceel_sequenceet_alertflgel_machineidInvalid start or end time supplied: %s Invalid start or end time supplied: %s      $ , 4 < D@(#)10 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/lstchk.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/23/09 23:32:16  L  L   |     4 T  t  0     PPPPPtPPPPPP8TPPPPpPPPPPPPPPPPPPP <XtPPPPdaydaysechourhourmonthmonthminuteminute%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%2d%s field %02d not in range [%d,%d] @(#)84 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/dateutil.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:39@(#)01 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/streq_cn.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/29/94 19:55:09H////////%dnoneNONEdebugvinitinofflswparchwparrmwparmkwparenableoutoffrunwparmigwparmaxsizestopwparsyncwparwparexecrc.wparskillwparresourcesavewparmovewparaerrlograerrlogrsequenceaerrlogrerrdemonerrdemonerrdemonstartwparchkptwparrebootwparresumewparerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_sizeerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_fileerrlg_filerestartwparunspecifiedlogread: read%-15s = %04x %-15s = %04x %-15s = %04x %-15s = %04x logopen: open/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objreposlogread: lseekLogfile is %s odm_initializeras_getattr odm_lock ras_putattr odm_unlock odm_terminate odm_initializeras_getattr ras_putattr odm_terminate logcreate: openlogwrite: lseeklogwrite: writelogwrite: writelogclose: closelogtrunc: ftruncate/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlogUnable to lock ODM. Unable to lock ODM. log_odm_error: errlogUnable to unlock ODM. Unable to unlock ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Unable to terminate ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lock/etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to terminate ODM. Unable to terminate ODM. restrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersrestrict_errpt_other_usersloginit: open(Logfile,O_RDWR)loginit: open(Logfile,O_RDONLY)logread: unexpected end of file hdrfcntl(Logfd,F_SETLKW,F_WRLCK)hdrfcntl(Logfd,F_SETLKW,F_RDLCK)hdrfcntl(Logfd,F_SETLKW,F_UNLCK)errdemon: Unable to terminate ODM. errdemon: Unable to terminate ODM. Unable to process error log file %s. Unable to process error log file %s. Unable to process the error log file %s. %s is not configured in this environment. do_odm_hdr_size: size = atoi(swservp->value)The supplied error log file is not valid: %s. %s: invalid error log entry length: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry length: %d at offset: %d Unable to get %s attribute from ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to update %s attribute in ODM object class SWservAt. The path %s does not exist. Using default logfile %s from ODM. Cannot initialize ODM. Using default value %s for error log file. Unable to get errpt restriction mode from ODM object class SWservAt. Uable to put the errpt restriction mode in the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to update the log file maximum size in the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the errpt restriction mode from the ODM object class SWservAt. 8 H ` h p \   x   t  h !   P   The ODM object class SWservAT attribute %s contained an unacceptable value: %s errlg_size@(#)08 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/log.c, cmderrlg, bos72L, l2018_07A8 2/5/18 06:50:16Unable to get %s attribute from ODM object class SWservAt. Using default value %s for error log file. The supplied errlog header contains a file size different from ODM. Updating ODM to use the supplied header file size %d. Unable to get the error log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Using the value %d from the header of errlog file %s for error log size. Cannot initialize error log file %s. The error log file does not have the correct permissions, or is not a valid error log file. Using default error log file %s from ODM. /dev/error@(#)34 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/librts/errlog.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/13/09 10:50:38 Ϭ /  /H /0TdefltvalueSWservAtattributeSWservAt.vc /,  / / /8attribute = '%s'attribute = '%s' AND deflt = '%s'@(#)64 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/getattr.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/26/07 18:27:07/usr/sbin/savebase/usr/sbin/savebase/usr/sbin/savebase@(#)96 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/savebase.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:47UUUU%s: NONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONENONE/var/adm/ras/errlog/var/adm/ras/errlogUsing default value %s for error log file. The error template repository file %s is either unreadable, or does not exist. @(#)15 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/udbutil.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:34:23Failure to open the logfile '%s' for writing. Possible causes are: 1. The file exists but the invoking process does not have write permission. 2. The file exists but the directory '%s' does not have write permission. 3. The file exists but is not a valid error logfile. Remove the file and restart the errdemon. 4. The file does exist and the directory '%s' does not have enough space available. The minimum logfile size is %d bytes. Unable to process error log file %s. Unable to process error log file %s. %s: invalid error log entry Node Id at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry magic: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry length: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry Machine Id at offset: %d %s: invalid log entry bad code: %d value: %d offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry Sequence Number: %d at offset: %d %s: invalid error log entry lengths: length: %d length2: %d at offset: %d @(#)61 1.22 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/dyn_ent_util.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/7/07 16:01:06 6NONENONEerrdemon/dev/console@(#)05 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/child.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:29:57NONElog_ptr_mgmt.c(esize <= LE_MAX_SIZE) && (esize >= LE_MIN_SIZE)@(#)09 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/log_ptr_mgmt.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/23/04 11:57:57/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctlopen(/dev/errorctl,0)ioctl(fd,/dev/errorctl)%s is not configured in this environment. @(#)07 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/errstop.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/7/07 16:01:07%don%d%d.oldtrueTRUEFALSE/dev/errorerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_sizeerrlg_dupmax/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/etc/objreposerrlg_duptime/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/dev/errorctl/etc/objreposras_getattr odm_lock ras_putattr odm_unlock errlg_dupcheckmalloc: old_LogfileUnable to unlock ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to terminate ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to terminate ODM. /etc/objrepos/config_lockUnable to initialize ODM. Unable to initialize ODM. Unable to initialize ODM. rename(Logfile,old_Logfile)errdemon: Unable to unlock ODM. This value wasn't found in ODM. This value wasn't found in ODM. This value wasn't found in ODM. errdemon: Unable to unlock ODM. Using the default value for duplicate maximum, %d. Using the default value for duplicate maximum, %d. Using the default value for duplicate checking, "on". Using the default value for duplicate checking, "on". Unable to update errlg_dupmax in ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to lock ODM after waiting 5 seconds. Try again later.Unable to lock ODM after waiting 5 seconds. Try again later.Using the default value for the duplicate time interval, %d. Using the default value for the duplicate time interval, %d. Unable to lock ODM after waiting 5 seconds. Try again later.Unable to update errlg_dupcheck in ODM object class SWservAt. errdemon: Unable to update errlog header for error log file %s. Unable to update errlg_duptimeint in ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to update the log file size in ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to get the log file size from the ODM object class SWservAt. Unable to initialize ODM. Using default value %d for error log size. Decreasing the error log file maximum size caused %s to be moved to %s. Unable to update the log file maximum size in the ODM object class SWservAt. @(#)13 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/threshold.c, cmderrlg, bos72F, f2016_48A8 11/24/16 09:43:13Failure to open the logfile '%s' for writing. Possible causes are: 1. The file exists but the invoking process does not have write permission. 2. The file exists but the directory '%s' does not have write permission. 3. The file exists but is not a valid error logfile. Remove it and rerun the errdemon. 4. The file exists but the directory %s does not have enough space available. The minimum logfile size is %d bytes. dOpenenablecmderrlg.cataix.ras.error.errpt/var/adm/ras/diag_logThe -a and -A flags are incompatible. The flags J and K are mutually exclusive. The flags J and K are mutually exclusive. The flags j and k are mutually exclusive. The flags j and k are mutually exclusive. User does not has sufficient authorizations. J:K:l:aActgs:e:m:n:@:F:S:N:R:d:j:k:T:i:I:y:z:DPThe -D flag is not valid with -c, -g, -l, or -t The -D and -P flags may not be specified together. Unable to get errpt restriction mode from ODM object class SWservAt. The value specified %s is not valid for flag %c. No processing was performed. The value specified %s is not valid for flag %c. No processing was performed. The value specified %s is not valid for flag %c. No processing was performed. The error template repository file %s is either unreadable, or does not exist. The error template repository file %s is either unreadable, or does not exist. @(#)14 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errpt/main.c, cmderrlg, bos72Q, q2018_44A1 10/21/18 13:50:53Cannot open error message catalog %s. The error report will still run, but it will not have explanatory messages Usage: errpt -@ wpar_name -actgDP -s startdate -e enddate -N resource_name_list -S resource_class_list -R resource_type_list -T err_type_list -d err_class_list -j id_list -k id_list -J label_list -K label_list -l seq_no_list -F flags_list -m machine_id -n node_id -i filename -y filename -z filename -I filename Process error log entries from the supplied file(s). -i filename Uses the error log file specified by the filename parameter. -y filename Uses the error record template file specified by the filename parameter. -z filename Uses the error logging message catalog specified by the filename parameter. -I filename Uses the diagnostics error log specified by the filename parameter. Output formatted error log entries sorted chronologically. -a Print a detailed listing. Default is a summary listing. -c Concurrent mode. Display error log entries as they arrive. -t Print error templates instead of error log entries. -g Output raw ascii error record structures. -D Consolidate duplicate errors. -P Show only duplicates from the error device driver. Error log entry qualifiers: -@ wpar_name Select entries for the wpar name. -s startdate Select entries posted later than date. (MMddhhmmyy) -e enddate Select entries posted earlier than date. (MMddhhmmyy) -N list Select resource_names in 'list'. -S list Select resource_classes in 'list'. -R list Select resource_types in 'list'. -T list Select types in 'list'. -d list Select classes in 'list'. -j list Select ids in 'list'. -k list Select ids NOT in 'list'. -J list Select labels in 'list'. -K list Select labels NOT in 'list'. -l list Select sequence_numbers in 'list'. -F list Select templates according to the value of the Alert, Log, or Report field. -m machine_id Select entries for the machine id as output by uname -m. -n node_id Select entries for the node id as output by uname -n. 'list' is a list of entries separated by commas. error_type = PERM,TEMP,PERF,PEND,UNKN,INFO error_class = H (HARDWARE), S (SOFTWARE), O (errlogger MESSAGES), U (UNDETERMINED) l    4  @   l    l  d ll                 l     0  ll    lL    \l@(#)94 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/mainreturn.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:01:42Signal %d segment violation. address %x @(#)91 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/jsignal.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:00:56r-rC:/:%L%04X%04XPOSIXNLSPATHcodeptcat.ccodeptcat.cerrpt:strdupcodepoint.catcodepoint.cat456/var/adm/ras/codepoint.cat/var/adm/ras/codepoint.catUnable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. Unable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. @(#)40 1.13 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/codeptcat.c, cmderrlg, bos720 9/17/06 16:00:49 W8  W(  ` V (` V 4 W0 8P V HP WP X WD Ԭ @ V!@ V"@ V# @ V$ @ V%@ W& @ V'@ W(@ W)@ W*@ W +@ V, W\ ԰- @ V. @ V V0110ABMSMSWS%d%x%dOVSSIGPIDSLVLSPCSSADRSDEVSFLDSOPCSPRCSREGSVALURIDSownerappl-idlongnameseveritydescriptionserial number@(#)46 1.3 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/symptom.c, cmderrlg, bos720 1/15/03 16:57:16YYYYZZZ$YYYYYYYYYZ Z0YZ@XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHU ,, , , , ,, , , , , ,X %c%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %2X@@ %s -%s-%12d%12dNONE %s TRUE%02X_set_msg_set_msg%s%c%s%c %s el_inet_ddFALSE"%s" _text"%s" _text%22lld%22lld%s %s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %s"%s"%-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %s"%s"%-20s 0x0000el_typeet_typeet_desc0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x 0x%04x el_labelel_crcidel_classel_rtypeet_magicet_labelet_classel_flagserrtmp1/%s0x%04x%s0x%04x%s0x%04x%s0x%04x%s0x%04x%s0x%04x%s0x%04x%s0x%04xel_nodeidel_rclasset_logflgel_wpariddlog_open%m%d%H%M%yel_vpd_ibmet_catname%-7s%-13s %-7s%-13s %-7s%-13s %-13s%-7s %-13s%-7s %-13s%-7s dlog_closeDescriptionUser CausesDetail Datael_sequenceel_resourceel_vpd_useret_alertflgel_dupcountel_duptime1el_duptime2Symptom Datael_timestampel_machineidel_connwhereet_reportflget_probcauseset_usercauseset_useractionet_instcauseset_instactionet_failcauseset_failactionInstall CausesFailure Causesel_detail_datadlog_freeEntryProbable Causesel_detail_lengthet_detail_lengthet_detail_descidet_detail_encodelibdiag.a(shr.o)dlog_same_elogIdet_detail_descsetet_detail_descmsgVPD: et_detail_desctext/usr/lib/libdiag.adlog_find_sequenceRecommended ActionsDiagnostic Analysisdlog_formatElogResults%08X %-19.19s %-4.4s %1.1s %s %08X %10.10s %1.1s %1.1s %-14.14s %s Id Label Type CL Description IDENTIFIER TIMESTAMP T C RESOURCE_NAME DESCRIPTION Resource Class: %s Resource Type: %s Location: %s Unable to report symptom data, since there is not enough memory at this time.Unable to report symptom data, since there is not enough memory at this time. @(#)25 1.59 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errpt/pr.c, cmderrlg, bos720 10/10/07 14:34:04Duplicates Number of duplicates %12d Time of first duplicate %s Time of last duplicate %s --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label: %s Type: %s --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL: %s Date/Time: %s Type: %s Resource Name: %.16s --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDENTIFIER %08X Label: %s Class: %s Type: %s Loggable: %s Reportable: %s Alertable: %s --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL: %s IDENTIFIER: %08X Date/Time: %s Sequence Number: %d Machine Id: %s Node Id: %s Class: %s Type: %s WPAR: %s Resource Name: %.16s :::::;$;p<@AAAB$BBGxGxJKM@JJJJJJMLMLJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJGxGxJKM@JJJJJJMLMLJJJJJJJJJJJJInput line length exceeded buffer limit : %d @(#)11 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/nls.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/30/13 13:31:47 A1ACADAPASAXBCBHBRBTCCCDCECICLCNCVDCDDDGDLDPDSDUEAECETFCFDFGFIFLFNFSFUH1IDIFL1L2L3L4L5L6LALELILLLNLOLPLSMDMFMEMGMIMLMNMPMSMUN5N6NANCNNNTNVOSPAPCPDPIPLPMPNPOPPPRR1R2RDRIRJRKRLRMRNRPRSRTRXS1S3S4SCSESFSISMSNSUSYSZTITMVIVKWNYLU0Y0Z0ADATCDDCDDDGDLDSDUECFCFNLALLLOMFNANXPCPIPNRARLRNRWSLSNSZTMUSVEZ0 %s %s NONE %s %s %s lscfg.cat %s: %s %sStrg Fclty Image Logical ID.Account Name................Addressing Field............Asset Protection Key Passwd.AS/400 Data Area............AIX Name....................Bar Code....................Batch Code..................Brand.......................Battery Replacement Date....Customer Card ID Number.....Adapter Card ID.............CCIN Extender...............Controlling CEC ID..........Code Level, LID Keyword.....Customer Number.............Country Number..............Action Code, Timestamp......Device Driver Level.........Diagnostic Level............Drawer Level................Disk Space Attributes.......Displayable Message.........Drawer Unit.................Electronic Message (ECS)....EC Level....................Enclosure Type..............Feature Code/Marketing ID...FBM EC Level................Flag Field..................Frame ID....................FRU Label...................FRU Number..................Frame Serial Number.........Function Number.............Partition HSL Pool..........Storage Fclty System ID.....Storage Fclty Interface ID..Individual or Company Name..Street Address..............City, State, Country........Zip Code....................Contact Name................Contact Phone Number........LIC Node Alternate Bus VPD..LIC VRMF....................Load ID.....................Loadable Microcode Level....LIC Node VPD................Location(INternal/EXternal).LIC Node Primary Bus VPD....Logical Space Attributes....Model Number................Map Format..................Update Access Key Exp Date..Microcode Build Date........Microcode Image.............Microcode Level.............Manufacture ID..............Module Plug Count...........MES Number..................Machine Universal Unit ID...Processor CUoD Info.........Memory CUoD Info............Network Address.............Microcode Naming Convention.World Wide Node Name........Sub-machine Type............NVRAM ID,PN,Location & Size.OS Name and Level...........Op Panel Installed..........Processor Comp. Definition..Pwr Dissipation/Consumption.Processor ID or unique ID...Location Code...............Port Map....................Part Number.................SPCN VPD....................Power Parameters............Power.......................Rack Location...............Rack Number.................Power Domain ID.............Power Resource ID...........RIO-G Loop..................Rack Serial Number..........ROM Level.(non-alterable)...ROM Level.(alterable).......Rack Name...................RIO-G Position Offset.......RS/6000 Unique ID...........Record Name.................ROM Level.(ext alterable)...Attached Machine Serial No..Storage Facility MTMS.......Storage Facility Image MTMS.Specify codes...............Machine/Cabinet Serial No...FCSI Number.................Subsystem Vendor/Device ID..Slot Map....................Serial Number...............System Unique ID (SUID).....System Number...............Size........................Attached Machine Type/Model.Machine Type and Model......Vendor ID / Device ID.......Version.....................World Wide Port Name........Hardware Location Code......Addressing Field............Adapter Type................Adapter Card ID.............Date Code...................Device Driver Level.........Diagnostic Level............Drawer Level................Displayable Message.........Drawer Unit.................EC Level....................Feature Code/Marketing ID...FRU Number..................Loadable Microcode Ptr......Loadable Microcode Level....Location....................Manufacturer................Network Address.............Next Adapter VPD Ptr........Processor Component ID......Processor Identification....Part Number.................ROS Code on Adapter Ptr.....ROS Level and ID............System Unit Name............Read/Write Register Ptr.....Slot Location...............Serial Number...............Size........................Machine Type and Model......User Data...................VPD Extended Data Ptr.......User Specific.(%c%c)..........System Info Specific.(%c%c)...Product Specific.(%c%c).......Device Specific.(%c%c)........Error: can't alloc enough memory! Error: can't alloc enough memory! Error: can't alloc enough memory! Error: can't alloc enough memory! VPD data is not in a recognizable format. @(#)61 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errpt/vpdcfg.c, cmderrlg, bos72D, d2015_34A0 6/30/15 04:50:43 fu h fv h f 1 i f$2 i$ f(q iD f,r id f03 i f4V i f8W i f<w i f@X j fD4 j$ fHY jD fLZ jd fPs j fT5 j fX6 j f\7 j f`+ k fd, k$ fh9 kD flx kd fp: k ft8 k fx; k f|# k fy l f< l$ f= lD f[ ld f\ l f] l f" l fz l f/ m f{ m$ f| mD f} md f> m f? m f@ m fA m fB n fC n$ f^ nD f~ nd f' n f- n f_ n fD n f` o f o$ fa oD fb od f o f o f o f o g$ p gc p$ gE pD g  pd gd p ge p g* p g p g  q g$ q$ g(F qD g, qd g0f q g4G q g8H q g<I q g@g r gDh r$ gH! rD gLi rd gPj r gTk r gX r g\ r g`l s gdm s$ gh sD gln sd gp( s gt) s gxJ s g| s go t g t$ g tD gK td g t g t gL t gM t gN u g0 u$ gp uD g% ud g u gO u gP u gQ u gR v g. v$ g& vD g vd g v gS z gT z gU z g v g v g v g w g w$ g wD g wd g w h w h w h w h  x h x$ h xD h xd h x h  x h$ x h( x h, y h0 y$ h4 yD h8 yd h< y h@ y hD y hH y hL z hP z$ hT zD hX zd h\ zADATCDDCDDDGDLDSDUECFCFNLALLLOMFNANXPCPIPNRARLRNRWSLSNSZTMUSVEBRPNFNECMNSNVKLIRLRMNADaDbLLVIFUSIADAPBCCDCNCVDCDUDLDSEAFCFDL1L2L3L4L5L6LOMSNVPCPDPIRNS1SCSESFSYSZTITMUaYaZaBHBRCCCECIFGFIFLLALNLPMDMFMPN5N6PAPLPMPOPPPRRDRIRKRSSMASAXCLYL%02Xibm,vpdibm,loc-code@(#)41 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libdiag/parsevpd.c, libdiag, bos72L, l2018_23B4 6/5/18 15:00:08 X \ ` d h l p t x | @(#)79 1.10 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libm/floor.c, libm, bos720 7/7/04 13:54:29@(#)08 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libm/fenv.c, libm, bos720 12/26/06 01:00:09HSOU-N-T-R-d-S%s , %s , , , %s %s PERMTEMPPERFPENDINFOUNKN%-10s %s h l p t @(#)34 1.22 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errpt/rpt.c, cmderrlg, bos720 9/26/07 16:39:30@(#)06 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/sysgrp.c, cmderrlg, bos72L, l2018_07A8 1/17/18 03:10:22HSOU10, , , , , , logPERMTEMPPERFPENDUNKNINFOalertreportBad value supplied for error type: %s Rerun the command with a valid error type. Bad value supplied for error class: %s Rerun the command with a valid error class. @(#)65 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/validate.c, cmderrlg, bos720 1/15/03 16:58:09Bad value supplied for error template keyword: %s Valid keyword values are: Alert, Report, Log Rerun the command with a valid error template keyword. Bad value supplied for error template keyword value: %s Valid error template values for keywords Alert, Log, and Report are '0' and '1'. Rerun the command with a valid error template keyword value. @(#)15 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/num_chk.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:46  :@ n `   @  p       H h H l p  l X p t h x 0 H L  d P `   d h l   -p - / p p 0x 1 4H 6 6 p 78 7@ 7  7 8 Cl Cp Ct Cx C| C  C  | $ ( ( , R 0 T V Ը X  e   f |( H HP X Xh ( h , 0 8   b;;@___bzero@(@4@A@errno@chdir@ chmod@ chown@ close@ _exit@ fsync@ M@ Y@ lseek@ rename@ seteuid@ shmat@ shmctl@ shmdt@ shmget@ umask@ uname@ e@q@ utrchook@ _iob@@__setjmp@@@malloc@ calloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ getenv@ strtoul@ @ fprintf@ fclose@ geteuid@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ atoi@ toupper@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ getpid@ time@ ulimit@ catclose@ snprintf@ fputs@ printf@ __assert@ fflush@ __flsbuf@ fstat@ fcntl@ wctomb@ tolower@ @ __filbuf@ read@ strncmp@ mbtowc@ sscanf@ signal@ perror@ memchr@ sleep@ strdup@ fgetc@ strtok@ @ mktime@ tzset@ isalnum@ isalpha@ execl@ isprint@ @ ioctl@ qsort@ getcwd@ fork@ strstr@ memcmp@ wait3@ wait@ @ getopt@ getgid@ bsearch@ basename@ strftime@ dirname@ wcwidth@ @ @  @ @ dlopen@ dlsym@ fgetwc@ putwchar@ sigpause@ #@ 0@ C@ R@ c@ r@ @ @ @ @ __crt0v@optarg@@@@@@ @ @ /@ ?@ N@ [@ m@ ~@ @ @ @ @ @ @ odm_lock@ odmerrno@@ @ __start D! p t |                              T \ l t                 , 4 D L \ d t |                                    $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l *( *, *0 *4 *8 *< *@ *D *H *L *P *T *X *\ *` *d *h *l *p *t *x *| - - - /H /p / / 6 Q Q  Q$ Q( Q, Q0 Q4 Q8 Q< Q@ QD QH QL QP QT QX Q\ Q` Qd Qh Ql Qp Qt Qx Q| Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q R R T T T T T T U U U U U( U, U< U@ UP UT Ud Ux U U U U U U V V V, V@ VT VX Vh V| V W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W X X X X  X X X X X  X$ X( X, X0 X4 X8 X< X@ XD XH XL XP XT XX X\ X` d@ dD dH dL dP dT dX d\ d` dd dh dl dp dt dx d| d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d e e e e  e e e e e  e$ e( e, e0 e4 e8 e< e@ eD eH eL eP eT eX e\ |( |4 |8 |D |H |T |X |d |h |t |x | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | } } } } }$ }( }4 }8 }D }H }T }X }d }h }t }x } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$ ~( ~4 ~8 ~D ~H ~T ~X ~d ~h ~t ~x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~     $ ( 4 8 D H T X d h t x                     $ ( 4 8 D H T X d h t x                     $ ( 4 8 D H T X d h t x                     $ ( 4 8 D H T X d h t x                     $ ( 4 8 D H T X d h t x                     $ ( 4 8 D H T X d h t x                     $ ( 4 8 D                ( 0 8 < @ D H P X ` d h p x |                ( 0 8 @ D H L P X \ d h p t |         ~            = '  > - ?  $ ( , 0@ 42 8< <% @1 D" H L P TN X \ `! d5 h l p8 t x& | J #   C   )   ]  I        7         _ M Y  b    t  9  $ ( ,V 0 4L 8U <F @S D+ Hd L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |  Z     4   c     :    j                  6  D   $ (  ,  0 4\ 8P <^ @h D  H L P T X \ ` d h; l p t/ x |0   [        (   g .   * ` Q H   A        v B    K k   R  $E (r ,T 0i 4s 8 < @ D H L PO T XX \W ` d h$ l p tm xw |z l } y G | { x n o  p q      a   f u e   3 ,/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibcfg.ashr.olibodm.ashr.olibcorcfg.ashr.o@VPDerrpt/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy ftruncate getgroups Trconflagcorral_getcid sys_errlist __lc_charmap __lc_ctype strcasecmp fp_read_rnd localtime setlocale sigsetmask fp_raise_xcpfp_is_enabled fp_enable fp_disable checkauths__stack_chk_fail fp_trapstatefp_disable_all fp_swap_flag fp_set_flag fp_clr_flag fp_read_flag fp_swap_rnd __mod_init__ssp_canary_word__malloc_user_defined_name CuDv_CLASS CuVPD_CLASS PAL_libcfg odm_err_msgodm_terminateodm_set_perms odm_set_path odm_rm_objodm_mount_classodm_initialize odm_get_obj odm_get_listodm_get_firstodm_free_listodm_change_obj odm_add_obj odm_unlockwpar_clear_index_cachegetcorralname