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No modifications made to %s The file %s is not a valid error message file. Cannot open error message catalog %s %sCannot create the error message file with the specified path %s. @(#)20 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errmsg/main.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:33Usage: errmsg -c -w setlist -z filename idfile Add messages to the error logging message catalog %s according to the input file 'idfile'. -c check flag. Scan file for syntax errors. -w set_list Display messages in sets in 'set_list' Valid codes are: E Error Description message set P Probable Cause message set U User Cause message set I Install Cause message set F Failure Cause message set R Recommended Action message set D Detailed Data Id message set ALL All The set_list consists of codes separated by commas -z filename Uses the error logging message catalog specified by the filename parameter. If no idfile is specified, the input is taken from stdin. ?NOYES %s: %s: line%s: LineWarning%s: %s: %s: %s: libc.catsyntax errorInternal Error%s: "%s", %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: "%s", %s %d: %s: syntax error - cannot backup@(#)87 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/er.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:44:10@(#)99 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/streq.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:03:42-cat.cicatopen(%s) Ndesc < NDESCopen of %s failed icatopen: slot=%d catd=%x Unable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. @(#)83 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/cat.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:38malloc on stracpy@(#)98 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/stracpy.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:48@(#)94 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/mainreturn.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:01:42Signal %d segment violation. address %x @(#)91 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/jsignal.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:00:56HOSUPERMTEMPPERFPENDINFOUNKNlseekerrtmp1/strtabl/errtmp1/strtabl/errtmp1/00000001log flagerror typealert flagerror labelerror classreport flagTmpltfile: readdetail length 1detail length 2detail length 3detail length 4detail length 5detail length 6detail length 7detail length 8detail length 9detail encode 1detail encode 2detail encode 3detail encode 4detail encode 5detail encode 6detail encode 7detail encode 8detail encode 9detail length 10detail length 11detail length 12detail length 13detail length 14detail length 15detail length 16detail encode 10detail encode 11detail encode 12detail encode 13detail encode 14detail encode 15detail encode 16tmpltfile : shmattmpltfile : shmattmpltfile : shmattmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : shmgettmpltfile : shmgettmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : calloctmpltfile : calloc/var/adm/ras/errtmplt/var/adm/ras/errtmpltThe template file is corrupted. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. The error template for error id %08X contains an invalid %s. @(#)14 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/tmplt.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/10 06:32:29Cannot update the error template database %s. A write to the error template database failed. %s Possible Causes: 1. The filesystem containing the error template database is full. Run the errupdate command with the '.undo' file(s) to clean up the error template database. Increase the filesystem, and then rerun the errupdate command to add the templates. @(#)03 1.2 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/range.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/29/94 19:54:41malloc@(#)89 1.3 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/jalloc.c, cmderrlg, bos720 7/2/07 15:31:44r-rC:/:%L%04X%04XPOSIXNLSPATHcodeptcat.ccodeptcat.cerrpt:strdupcodepoint.catcodepoint.cat456/var/adm/ras/codepoint.cat/var/adm/ras/codepoint.catUnable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. Unable to initialize %s because there is not enough memory available. @(#)40 1.13 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/codeptcat.c, cmderrlg, bos720 9/17/06 16:00:49 \ ` d h l p t/r?./w+SET %s %04X "%s" codepoint.cat456codepoint.cat456The file %s is not a valid error message file. @(#)23 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/codeptutil.c, cmderrlg, bos720 2/12/04 15:50:54 0x0XBad message set identifier: '%s'Bad message set identifier: '%s'Text must be enclosed in quotes Bad format for Message ID '%-.30s'Message IDs must be 4 digits long. Must begin line with either '+' or '-' The length, %d, of message %s is longer than the permitted value %d. Message IDs for the Detail Data Id message set must be 2 or 4 digits long. @(#)21 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errmsg/pass1.c, cmderrlg, bos720 12/1/09 12:15:47Must specify a specific message set. Valid entries are: SET E SET P SET U SET I SET F SET R SET D Skipping Message ID: - %x For SET %s you can only delete Message IDs in the range [0xE000 - 0xE7FF] The message %s cannot be added because all of the message identifiers in the set %s are in use. Run errmsg -w %s to review this message set then delete any unused message you have added to this set. Do not delete any of the system's messages. Then run this command again. Input line length exceeded buffer limit : %d @(#)11 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/liberrlg/nls.c, cmderrlg, bos720 5/30/13 13:31:47w+SET %s %04X "%s" codepoint.cat456@(#)22 1.1 src/bos/usr/bin/errlg/errmsg/pass2.c, cmderrlg, bos720 4/16/93 16:13:55@(#)00 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libras/streq_c.c, cmderrlg, bos720 3/2/93 09:03:59 & &+ &f &0 &1@ &q &  ( ) X ) ) X ) ) ) ) ) )$ )(  )x  )| & ) ) P * , , 8 . & .  . & & /H /P X /t /x /| / 3` 7@ 7x 7| & 7 !x 7 %8 7 % 7E/ X @)@6@errno@close@ B@ lseek@ shmat@ shmctl@ shmdt@ shmget@ unlink@ _iob@N@__setjmp@\@k@malloc@ calloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ toupper@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ time@ catclose@ snprintf@ fputs@ printf@ __assert@ __flsbuf@ fstat@ wctomb@ __filbuf@ read@ strncmp@ mbtowc@ signal@ perror@ fseek@ strdup@ fgetc@ rewind@ strtok@ x@ qsort@ strstr@ getopt@ bsearch@ basename@ dirname@ wcwidth@ strtol@ fgetwc@ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@@__start &!    t X ` h p x   & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 'C ' B '$ '(F ', '0 '4 '8 '<8 '@= 'D 'H 'L 'P 'T 'X '\ '`& 'd 'h 'l' 'p 't( 'x '| ' ' ') ' '% ' ' ' ' ' ' '2 ' ' '1 ' ' ' ' ' ' '  ' '  '# ' ' ' '/ ' ' ' (+ ( ( (  (  ( (9 (  ( . 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