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Ordering: Disabled PCIe Link Speed: 2.5 Gbps PCIe Link Speed: 5.0 Gbps ETHERNET STATISTICS (%s) : Media Speed Running: Unknown usage: %s [-t] usage: %s [-t] PCIe2 2-port 10GbE SR Adapter Reason: Local fault detected Number of receive bytes: %llu Number of rx_limit events: %u Reason: Remote fault detected Firmware Operating Mode: Native Firmware Operating Mode: Legacy Number of transmit bytes: %llu Number of receive packets: %llu Number of empty EQ events: %llu Number of no fragment errors: %u Number of transmit packets: %llu Number of receive interrupts: %llu Number of receive packet drops: %u Number of transmit packet drops: %u Number of XON packets received: %llu Receive statistics for RXQ number: %u PCIe2 2-Port 10GbE SFP+Copper Adapter Media Speed Selected: Auto negotiation Number of XOFF packets received: %llu Transmit statistics for TXQ number: %u Number of transmit queue overflows: %u Media Speed Running: 10 Gbps Full Duplex Media Speed Running: 10 Mbps Full Duplex Receive TCP segment aggregation: Enabled Number of XON packets transmitted: %llu Media Speed Selected: 10 Mbps Full Duplex Media Speed Running: 100 Mbps Full Duplex Receive TCP segment aggregation: Disabled Number of XOFF packets transmitted: %llu Media Speed Selected: 100 Mbps Full Duplex Media Speed Running: 1000 Mbps Full Duplex Transmit TCP segmentation offload: Enabled Media Speed Selected: 1000 Mbps Full Duplex Transmit TCP segmentation offload: Disabled TCP packets aggregated into large packets: %llu Maximum entries used on this transmit queue: %u Transmit and receive flow control status: Enabled TCP segmentation offload maximum packet size: %u 10GbE 4-port Mezzanine Adapter (a2191007df1033e7) %s: 0909-002 Unable to open device %s, errno = %d Transmit and receive flow control status: Disabled Int Multifunction Card w/ SR Optical 10GbE Adapter TCP segmentation offload packets transmitted: %llu Int Multifunction Card w/ Copper SFP+ 10GbE Adapter Number of RX mbufs allocated from system pool: %llu TCP segment aggregation large packets created: %llu Number of system pool RX mbuf allocation failures: %u TCP payload bytes aggregated into large packets: %llu TCP segment aggregation maximum packets aggregated: %u %s: 0909-003 Unable to connect to device %s, errno = %d TCP segment aggregation average packets aggregated: %llu Int Multifunction Card w/ Base-TX 10/100/1000 1GbE Adapter %s: 0909-004 Unable to get statistics on device %s, errno = %d --------------------------------------------------------------------- PCIe2 2-port 10GbE SR Adapter (a21910071410d003) Specific Statistics: 10GbE 4-port Mezzanine Adapter (a2191007df1033e7) Specific Statistics: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCIe2 2-Port 10GbE SFP+Copper Adapter (a21910071410d103) Specific Statistics: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int Multifunction Card w/ SR Optical 10GbE Adapter (a219100714100904) Specific Statistics: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int Multifunction Card w/ Copper SFP+ 10GbE Adapter (a219100714100a04) Specific Statistics: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int Multifunction Card w/ Base-TX 10/100/1000 1GbE Adapter (a21910071410d203) Specific Statistics: @(#)74 src/rspc/usr/sbin/nddstat/entstat.elxent/entstat.elxent.c, pcielxent, rspc720 1/19/14 05:12:41entstat.elxent     * *$   *( *@ *H !/Dfs%@errno@close@ socket@ exit@ catopen@ catgets@ printf@ __divu64@ 2@ ioctl@ getopt@ connect@ >@ __crt0v@K@__start !   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