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%s cannot open your file in %s directory. you are not authorized to use cron. Sorry. you are not authorized to use cron. Sorry. You have entered an invalid optional user %s Not enough authorization to run this command. Usage: crontab[{-e|-l|-r|-v }[user name] | [File]] you are not a valid user (no entry in /etc/passwd). cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. cannot create your crontab file in the crontab directory. @(#)04 src/bos/usr/sbin/cron/crontab.c, cmdcntl, bos720 7/9/13 02:34:35rrootdaemon/usr/bin/bshaix.system.config.cron@(#)07 src/bos/usr/sbin/cron/permit.c, cmdcntl, bos720 7/20/07 02:19:47...y ....r./.r........ ......atcron%s %s %s %s %s %s cronadmcronadmcrontabAT_JobRemoveSYSTEM_MLSSYSTEM_MLS#-- SL: %s -- #-- SL: %s -- delete %s? 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Job name %s does not exist. error in message queue open You must be the owner of job %s. crontab file: %s submission time: %s crontab file: %s submission time: %s can't open yourfile in %s directory. scandir of /usr/spool/cron/atjobs failed There is not enough memory available now. There is not enough memory available now. Unable to initialize Label Encodings File. Error changing partitioned directory mode. Unable to initialize Label Encodings File. Error changing partitioned directory mode. can't change directory to the %s directory can't change directory to the %s directory can't change directory to the %s directory can't change directory to the %s directory only jobs belonging to user : %s may be deleted cron may not be running - call your system administrator @(#)11 src/bos/usr/sbin/cron/cronsub.c, cmdcntl, bos72F, f2017_14A3 3/27/17 04:24:18AT_JobAddCRON_JobAddAT_JobRemoveCRON_JobRemoveThere is not enough memory available now. 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