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(cm3) *** DELTA TABLE PRIOR TO COMBINE *** sed -n '/^%c%c$/,/^%c%c$/p' %s >comb$$ sed -n '/^%c%c$/,/^%c%c$/p' %s >comb$$ Usage: comb [-o] [-s] [-p SID] [-c List] File Use the -%c flag only once on the command line. (cm2) The -p flag and the -c flag are mutually exclusive. (cb2) admin -iCOMB$$ -r%s -fv%s -m '-yThis was COMBined' s.COMB$$ @(#)98 1.14 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/comb.c, cmdsccs, bos720 8/10/95 13:14:47 The flags specified on the command line would create no changes to the SCCS file. (cb4) The SID you specified does not exist. Use the sact command to check the p-file for existing SID numbers. (cm20) Cannot use the comb command while there is an outstanding delta to the file. Use the delta command or the unget command; then use the comb command. (cb1) @(#)74 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/zero.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:58:16s.sinit.csinit.c Specify an SCCS file with this command. (co1) The maximum path name is 510 characters. (co7) @(#)80 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/sinit.c, cmdsccs, bos720 7/14/11 19:56:05 SCCS files can have only one link or name Unlink the file, then create the SCCS file. (co3) @(#)96 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/sname.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:57:10@(#)54 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/imatch.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:56:18@(#)68 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/cat.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:55:45xopenpw.cat`%s' unreadable (ut5)`%s' unwritable (ut6)`%s' unreadable or unwritable (ut7)@(#)29 1.7 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/xopen.c, libPW, bos720 11/10/93 15:18:34pw.caterrno = %dno space! (ut10)file too big (ut8)file table full (ut3)`%s' does not exist (ut4)%s, function = `%s' (ut11)directory `%s' unwritable (ut2)@(#)18 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/xmsg.c, libPW, bos720 11/10/93 15:18:26@(#)09 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/dname.c, libPW, bos720 6/2/91 22:12:49@(#)32 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/fdfopen.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:56:10 The file is damaged. Use local problem reporting procedures. (co6) @(#)72 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/getline.c, cmdsccs, bos720 7/15/11 05:20:25 The end of the file was premature. Make sure that the last line of the file ends with a newline character or use local problem reporting procedures. (co5) %5ufputs%.05u%.05u%.05ufputs%c%c%s %c%c %s/%s/%s @(#)73 1.14 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/putline.c, cmdsccs, bos720 6/1/04 05:50:13WARNING - The number of lines inserted, deleted or unchanged exceeds 99,999. The header section of the s. file will record 99999 in the appropriate field. This is only a warning. @(#)63 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/auxf.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:34:49pw.catxcreatdirectory `%s' does not exist (ut1)@(#)96 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/xcreat.c, libPW, bos720 11/10/93 15:18:12Fmterr: file=%s, line=%d There is a format error at line %u Restore the backup copy. (co4) @(#)66 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/fmterr.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:34:58@(#)74 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/satoi.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:57:02dodelt.cdodelt.cdodelt.c@(#)76 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/dodelt.c, cmdsccs, bos720 7/15/11 03:28:08 The creation date of the newest delta in the SCCS file is later than the current time. Make sure that the system date is set correctly or use the local problem reporting procedures. (co10) The difference between the current date and the creation date of the newest delta in the SCCS file is greater than 1 year. Make sure that the system date is set correctly. This message is only a warning. (co11) @(#)91 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/sid_ab.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:36:07@(#)81 1.11 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/date_ab.c, cmdsccs, bos720 1/2/96 08:37:12 del_ab.cdel_ab.c@(#)64 1.9 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/del_ab.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:34:52stats_ab.c@(#)86 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/stats_ab.c, cmdsccs, bos720 7/14/11 20:29:42@(#)77 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/eqsid.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:35:24permiss.cRelease %d is locked against editing. (co23) The SCCS file is locked against editing (co23) @(#)90 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/permiss.c, cmdsccs, bos720 7/14/11 17:39:52 You are not authorized to make deltas. Use local procedures to place your user name or group number on the list of users who can make deltas. (co14) Release %1$u is less than the lowest allowed release %2$u (the floor). The specified release must be greater than or equal to the lowest allowed release. (co15) Release %1$u is greater than highest allowed release %2$u (the ceiling). The specified release must be less than or equal to the highest allowed release. (co16) @(#)08 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/patoi.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:56:35@(#)78 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/logname.c, cmdsccs, bos720 9/5/97 12:37:41@(#)63 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/repl.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:56:57@(#)07 1.5 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/strend.c, libPW, bos720 6/16/90 00:57:14 The delta list syntax is not correct. (co13) The delta list syntax is not correct. (co13) The delta list syntax is not correct. (co13) The 2 limits of a delta range must be in ascending order. (co12) The 2 limits of a delta range must be in ascending order. (co12) @(#)71 1.10 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/dolist.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:35:12@(#)74 1.8 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/sidtoser.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:35:14%s pw.catdump.coreSIGNAL: Danger(ut12)SIGNAL: Killed(ut12)SIGNAL: IOT trap(ut12)SIGNAL: Bus error(ut12)SIGNAL: Terminated(ut12)SIGNAL: Broken pipe(ut12)SIGNAL: Alarm clock(ut12)SIGNAL: Memory fault(ut12)SIGNAL: Trace/BPT trap(ut12)SIGNAL: Bad system call(ut12)SIGNAL: Illegal instruction(ut12)SIGNAL: Arithmetic exception(ut12)SIGNAL: SIGHUP, SIGINT and SIGQUIT are ignored@(#)85 1.12 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libPW/setsig.c, libPW, bos720 11/10/93 15:18:06vvvwww w,w8wDwPw\whs.s.%s/%s@(#)82 1.14 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/dofile.c, cmdsccs, bos720 10/25/94 16:03:52@(#)75 1.7 src/bos/usr/bin/sccs/lib/chksid.c, cmdsccs, bos720 2/6/94 10:35:17 The specified SID is not valid. Use the sact command to check the p-file for valid SID numbers. (co8)   " v   " " H " " X " #  # # #  x # #( G G  G X G H@ HD 8 HH  LH l \H \L p x \P \T   \X h \\  \` \d \h \p ]p  ]    @    x   ( =/  3@errno@chmod@ chown@ creat@ '@ unlink@ _iob@__setjmp@3@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ open@ fprintf@ fclose@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ atoi@ abort@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ time@ catclose@ fputs@ fstat@ fgets@ signal@ perror@ @@ endpwent@ fseek@ rewind@ stat64@ stat64x@ S@ tzset@ _@ strcspn@ gets@ opendir@ closedir@ readdir@ getopt@ setbuf@ aclx_get@ k@ z@ aclx_put@ @ __crt0v@sys_nerr@timezone@optind@optarg@@__start !    4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ `           9 8  >       $ ( , 0 4  8 < @ D H L P T X  \ ` d h l p t x |        : #    3 ! &                  ! !) !7 ! 5 ! !6 !4 !' !  !$ !( !,( !0  !4 !8 !< !@+ !D; !H* !L !P- !T !X !\ !` !d !h !l !p !t !x !| ! !$ !% ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !, !2 != !< ! !" ! ! ! ! !. ! ! !/ ! !1 ! ! !0 !/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDcomb/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp getgroups __lc_ctype_getpwuid_shadow localtime setlocale aclx_convertaclx_gettypes __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name