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Recreate the symbol table by using the ar command with the -s flag.IB%s %s %sIBMar: 0707-126 %s is not valid with the current object file mode. Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.Iar: 0707-132 %s is a discontinued XCOFF64 file.ar: 0707-117 The fopen system call failed on file %s.rar: 0707-109 Member name %s does not exist.TMPDIRIw+Iar: 0707-106 Internal error while reading the fixed header of archive file %s.ar: 0707-108 File %s is not an archive file.IBMar: 0707-123 The archive file %s is corrupted. The member table is missing. The command 'ar -o %s' may restore the member tableIBar: 0707-100 %s does not exist.ar: creating an archive file %sar.catIUsage: ar [-X{32|64|32_64|d64|any}] [-clsvCT] [-g|o] {-h|p|t|x} [--] Archive [File ...] ar [-X{32|64|32_64|d64|any}] [-clsvCT] [-g|o] {-m|r[u]} [{-a|b|i} {PositionName}] [--] Archive File ... ar [-X{32|64|32_64|d64|any}] [-clsvCT] [-g|o] {-d|q} [--] Archive File ... ar [-X{32|64|32_64|d64|any}] [-clvCT] {-g|o|s|w} [--] Archived64any32_64IBar: 0707-127 The specified object mode is not valid. Specify -X32, -X64, -X32_64, -Xd64 or -XanyIBa:b:ci:losuvzptwxdhmqrCTX:gar: 0707-101 %c is not a valid flag.IBM--Iar: 0707-111 The -a, -b, or -i flag cannot be used with the -d or -q flag.Iar: 0707-120 The specified flags are mutually exclusive. IBOBJECT_MODEar: 0707-128 The OBJECT_MODE environment variable has an invalid setting. OBJECT_MODE must be 32, 64, 32_64, d64 or any.IBr+Iar: 0707-129 %s is a 64-bit object. It cannot be added to a small-format archive when the -g option is specified..rarIw+Iar: sequentially ordering and compressing %sIBMar: 0707-131 The archive contains one or more fields that are too large for the small archive format. Conversion failed.I%c - %sar: 0707-130 The archive contains one or more 64-bit objects. It cannot be converted to the small archive format. ar: 0707-124 The object file %s is corrupted. Symbol table entries for %s can not be added to the archive file.ar: 0707-124 The object file %s is corrupted. Symbol table entries for %s can not be added to the archive file.ar: 0707-117 The fopen system call failed on file %s.rar: 0707-113 The fopen system call failed on file %s.IBar: 0707-126 %s is not valid with the current object file mode. Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.I%c - %sar: 0707-107 The file size limit was reached when writing to the archive file. Use the ulimit command to increase the maximum user file size.IBar: 0707-132 %s is a discontinued XCOFF64 file. \  @(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21@(#)41 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/ar/ar.c, cmdar, bos72F, f2017_17B6 4/18/17 14:05:05<,@(#)80 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/ar/xcoffar64.c, cmdar, bos720 2/13/97 20:56:42@(#)79 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/ar/xcoffar.c, cmdar, bos72Q, q2019_19A2 5/2/19 14:50:58&(@(#)81 1.8 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/ar/addfile.c, cmdar, bos720 11/8/00 10:04:27@(#)68 src/bos/usr/ccs/bin/ar/convert.c, cmdar, bos720 2/3/12 15:12:19 X XB Xb Xf X`` X &(  8 @ X ` p h p x t x |        0   2( 2 3 `  ( 4 @ L6/ ;@%@2@errno@chmod@ close@ unlink@ _iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen64@ lseek64@ getenv@ strtoul@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ >@ sprintf@ time@ fflush@ __flsbuf@ vfprintf@ fwrite@ strncmp@ signal@ perror@ fread@ atol@ rewind@ stat64@ fseeko64@ J@ ftello64@ V@ getopt@ tempnam@ basename@ strftime@ strtol@ b@ fclear64@ creat64@ __divi64@ strtoll@ p@ __crt0v@optind@optarg@}@__start !                          $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                    `     ( , 4 8 @ D L P 4 3  7   (    5 6    +     $  !                   $ (  , 0 4 8 <* @ D' H2 L" P T% X \ `# d h l p t x |            )          / .  - & ,  0   1/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDar/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memmove ___strcpy getrlimit localtime setlocale ftruncate64 __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name